Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Demostration speech self evaluation

After reviewing the clip of my presentation on the skill of making a newspaper hat I was able to see some of the few positives and the list of negatives in my speech. The biggest weakness in my speech was most likely my posture. I've never been a person known for making great eye contact, also I have a bad habit of having my hands in my pockets which is exactly what happened during the end of my speech. Another negative was I might not have prepared as much as I could have, I stumbled through my presentation a few times and forgot what information i was trying to say. I felt I had some positives though, I feel that my topic was fun and easy to involve the class in, I dressed for the occasion as best as I could, and for once during a speech I did not say Um . . . more than fifty times. My visual aid was awesome in theory but I did go through the steps of the demo very fast. If I could do things differently I know I would give myself more time to prepare and practice my presentation. This would allow me to memorize the information I am presenting better so I don't have any awkward pauses and to work out the bad posture habits I have as well.

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